The hardcore punk band Dezinfekce started to spout their decibel eruption already in fall 1991, which could be seen, at the time, as a result of teenage punks’ hyperactivity.
The original lineup – Sedli (guitar), Sueczek (drums), Maxeek (bass, scream) existed for almost four years after being joined by a new member Pufffy (guitar) around 1993. The band made its public appearances mainly in South Bohemia at first. By the beginning of 1995 stayed from the original lineup only Maxeek and Pufffy. As a new drummer Flash-K was brought on board in autumn 1995 and the band started to perform live again. Since that time this base hasn’t changed much, only from 2000 to 2001 Dezinfekce eventually included the guitarist Thomas. On the beginning of 2012 Flash.K has left the band after mutual agreement. He was replaced by Lou.cass. Dezinfekce have performed hundreds of concerts with all possible people in all possible places so far.

In 1996 D recorded and released their demo called “někdo jinej” (someone else) with 14 tracks, of which approx. 200 tapes were sold out or donated to friends. This was mainly thanks to the cooperation with the PH records publishing. In 1997 appears a tape with bands from České Budějovice recorded at a concert called 007. The name of the tape was CB 007 live (featuring PBJP - at the time Karl Marx & P.B.J.P. band, Dezinfekce and Better Way) and it was published at the bands’ expense. In 1999 was released another tape under the name “1650 secs” at PH Records with 8 pieces. Next was coming a part of a live concert from the Mondo Club in České Budějovice released in 2001 as a compilation “Hlasy z podzemí IV” (The voices from the underground IV). In the same year band appears on the CD of Polish magazine Arlezin and at a tape compilation Need for speed (Kirk to Scotty tapes, UK). In 2002 released a EP split record with the band “Svině!” (Dezinfekce has 3 pieces and one remix on it). One year later some of their songs appear on a tape compilation of AMA tapes in Turkey and on a CD compilation “War on Terror” (Trash and die recs, UK). This is followed by a compilation of the magazine “Move your ass” and Dezinfekce also take part in a compilation vinyl “Global Hardcore Noise” (2EP, Cities in the Dust, USA). Finally in October 2004 was released a CD/LP “Stačí najít důvod”(You can always find a reason) at PH Records. In 2005 there was another CD compilation this time in Belorussia “Punk rock bez granic” (Punk rock without borders) and a year later there came one more called “Czechcore will kick you into your head” this time released on a tape. In September 2008 was released a CD album “Psi” (Dogs) at PH Records. In spring 2009 there were recorded and mixed 3 tracks on a compilation “Posloucháte jižní Čechy II” (You are listening to South Bohemia vol. 2).

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